East Kilbride
Old Parish
Sunday school is open to children in pre-school through primary 7. We meet every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. in the Upper Hall of the Old Halls.
Children should be dropped off at the Upper Hall (next to the Church, up the ramp, and then upstairs) from 10:50 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and collected there after the service (The Sunday school only goes into the Church on special occasions).
We generally mix music, puzzles/quizzes, games, crafts, 'circle time' chat, a prayer, and a Bible story with different themes each week.
For more information, please get in touch with Iain Shaw at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or text 07912 295943
The Children’s Art/Craft Group is open to primary school-age children. From September to June, we meet on Thursday afternoons from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. in the Glebe Street Hall.
A small cost of £2 per session per child is requested. A snack and all materials are provided. To register and attend, please contact Iain Shaw at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., text 07912 295943, or use the website's 'Contact Us' button.
A note from Iain, our Children, Youth & Families Worker regarding the original plan to establish an Art Group:
"As an example, three of the themes used for our virtual Sunday School sessions were Jesus Loves Me, My Family and For God So Loved the World. Contained within each session we have an art work slot which is an opportunity for the children and young people to draw their representation of the theme for that week.
I am constantly amazed (but after almost a year of leading these sessions, I shouldn’t be) of the quality, imagination, design and colourfulness of the artwork that the children and young people produce. On the 'Our Space' page (Click Here to go to 'Our Space') are examples of the art work created by the children and young people.
I hope you will agree with me in that we have a very talented group and their pictures are further enhanced by the fact they only have around 5 minutes to produce them, albeit they can work on them after the session before sending them to me for sharing with the group the following week.
Most of the artwork on show has been produced by Jessica, Charlotte, Hannah, Mia, Kaja, Max, Sophie, Millie, Lucy, Craig and Zoe. The age range of the children and young people is 5-13 years.
Based on the evidence of what has been achieved and delivered during our virtual Sunday School sessions, I believed we have the opportunity to create an art group for children, young people and families. This belief became a reality in the Summer of 2021
If you feel you would like to get involved in helping at such a group, please let me know. No great art qualifications are required—I am certainly no artist—all you need is a love of children, a patient, encouraging heart, and the ability to give a couple of hours per week of your time."
Iain Shaw (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)