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EKOPCphotos 15

East Kilbride

Old Parish



'Our Space'

for the Children and Young People of the Sunday School

A place to share our work
"Hello!" to our In-person Sunday School (Once again meeting at 11am to the Upper Hall every Sunday.....
Art from the past Zoom Sunday School Sessions
Capture zoom
Story Time with Santa
 The Zoom Christingle Service
Some pictures from the other Zoom Sunday School Activities
The Task/Challenge was:
and here are some of the pictures of the results:
zoom p2rs      zoom p3rs
zoom p4rs
Our Work  
Pictures from Animals in the Bible - Lion Craft
Hannah ( Lion Craft)
Hannah Lion Craftrs2
Mia (Lion Craft)
Mia lion craftrs
Jessica (Lion Craft)
Jessica Lion Craftrs3
Sophie and Max (Lion Crafts)
Sophie Max Lion Craftsrs
 Sophie and Max (Lion Masks)
Sophie Max Lion Masksrs
Pictures from Animals in the Bible - Jonah and the Whale
Jonah Boat and Whale Craft
Jonah Boat Whale craft
Jonah Whale Craft
 Jonah Whale Craft
Pictures from Ten Commandments
Mia's Ten Commandments
Mias 10 Commandment Craft2
Hannah's Ten Commandments
 Hannahs 10 Commandment Craft4
 Sophie & Max's Ten Commandments
sophie Max 10 Commandments craft rs
Jessica's Ten Commandments
Jessica 10 Commandments Craft 2
'East Kilbride's Got Talent' (The parable of the talents)
Millie's Talent Craft
Millie Talents photo3
Sophie and Max Talent crafts
 Iain made a pic too! iains cross with hands craft
“The Lords Prayer” with the emphasis on communication with God - and also how we communicate and keep in touch with each other during these strange times. 
 sophie Max Lords prayer science
Jessica and Bobby Science expt
Lords prayer cross on blue background
lords prayer angel
On the theme of 'Light': 
Sophie and Max Jesus is the Light of the World craft picsMarley Light pics
Jessicas Light Challenge photosmolly craft and challenge pics
Two from Jessica:
Jessica Candle
Now, Sophie and then Max:
As promised here are your 'Rainbow Colours Challenge' submissions:
From Molly, who explains what colours she has captured:
Mums red car.
Molly's yellow lab.
Molly's pink garden cave.
Green hedge.
Dad's orange deck chair.
Purple flowers in the garden.
Blue bin.
moly rainbow challenge
marley rainbow challenge
and Jessica:
Jessica Rainbow Challenge
Well done girls! We hope it was fun! 
 Pre-lockdown photo in the Glebe St Hall

East Kilbride Old Parish Church
Montgomery Street
The Village
East Kilbride
G74 4JS

01355 279004
Office opening times:
Tuesday & Friday
9:30am to 12:30pm




Scottish Charity No: SC000609